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Ey presentacion desayuno ejecutivo niif 15 d4pqkk2rpvnp. Modificaciones a las niif 2, nic 7, nic 12 y nic 40. Guia nic 37 provisiones, pasivos contingentes y activos contingentes. Ifrs in focus edicion en espanol iasb emite enmiendas al. Guia rapida ifrs 2014 descargar documento deloitte. In june 2014, the fasb and the iasb collectively, the boards. The ifrs foundations logo and the ifrs for smes logo, the iasb logo, the hexagon device, eifrs, ias, iasb, ifric, ifrs, ifrs for smes, ifrs foundation, international accounting standards, international financial reporting standards, niif and sic are registered trade marks of the ifrs foundation, further details of which are available from the ifrs. Niif1adopcionporprimeravezdelasniif niif 1 adopcin. Goal of iasbifrs foundation 2 to provide the worlds integrating capital markets with a common language for financial reporting in fulfilling this objective, take account of the needs.
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